Free printable for your little one to paint, dot, decorate or colour in.
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New printables uploaded weekly.
Each printable accompanies a fun video on Youtube! See our rainbow video below or search for 🔎 "Boey Bear" on YouTube.
For younger children, dot in the colours with a cotton bud/Q-tip!
This is a great exercise for children who are starting to hold a pencil and practice their pencil grasp.
The correct tripod grasp typically doesn't develop until they're 4-6 years old so don't worry about how they're holding the cotton bud/Q-tip. Any fine motor practice like this is will encourage the natural development of their pencil grasp over time.
Click on the images below to download the free printables.
A plain colouring page for older children to decorate:
Visit us at Pinterest (search for our account "Boey Bear") for more ideas to keep your baby, toddler or preschooler happily occupied during this lockdown/quarantine period: